Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I wrote this poem as a reminder that our life is just temporary. It is borrowed from God. I hope we learn to say I love you to those people who care much about us....before they can never hear it or feel it anymore.

You were there all the time
Even I never noticed you
You brought me smile in my dark days
Even your heart was hurting too

You taught me how to be strong
While the fact that you were weak
You made me realized something
But it's now too late...

You'll never hear me say I loved you
For now you're colder than the snow
If I can only bring back the time
I won't waste it without you...

I will hold your hand next to my heart
I will kiss you each morning and night
I will do whatever you say...
Before you leave me and passed away...

No one will stop me now from crying
Like how you scold and how you frown
I will never ever forget you...
I wish you hear me somehow...


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